Sunday, January 27, 2013

Post #1: Effective Communication skills: Why?

As an engineering student, my first week in ES2007 has been an eye-opener. This might be the most exciting module I have taken to date!

Personally, I find that communication is an essential part of our daily lives, and the ability to effectively articulate our ideas and emotions is an art. Yes, the idea of communication might sound simple! After all, we are in constant interaction with others daily. However, much of our daily interactions are unknowingly lost in translation. Think about the last time you had a sustained conversation. What idea or emotion were you trying to convey? Are you sure your exact message was what they received?

Since every person and interaction is unique, the only way we could improve our personal communication skills is through continuous practice. In this module, the discussions, peer-teaching, and presentations serve this exact purpose. Under the watchful eyes of our entire class, we would be engaging in endless group work. As a feedback session follows, we could definitely use their response to decide what works for us, and what doesn't. After all, communication is learned through doing and improvising.

Different aspects of communication would be studied in greater detail. We often do not realize that the ideas we are communicating could be lost, in a haze of distractions and personal filters. In becoming a skilled communicator, it is important to avoid social and cultural faux pas, as well as to understand the non-verbal cues of the other party.

Personally, I have undergone numerous uncomfortable experiences that could have been avoided with effective communication. Despite my well intentions, business relations that I wanted to cultivate had turned cold. And I am sure many could relate to how easily a conversation could take a really awkward turn. Hence, these experiences motivate me to learn as much as I can from this class, and to emerge as a better communicator.

In conclusion, I would end my post with a quote.